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Abrasion Resistant Hose

    1. Rubber Heavy Duty Sandblast Hose The heavy duty sandblast hose is specially designed for transferring materials with high resistance to sand and other abrasive materials in construction, shipyards, power plants, etc. This rubber material handling hose can be made with different constructions to adapt to various severe applications.
    1. Dry Cement Discharge Hose The cement hose is made with NR/BR blends, which features superior abrasion resistance. It’s used for transferring cement or dry powder under low pressure.
    1. Rubber Bulk Material Handling Hose With abrasion resistance index of 50-70mm3, the rubber material handling hose conforms to ISO 4649. This heavy duty rubber hose features antistatic electricity, superior abrasion resistance, and smooth flow during conveying, making it suitable for use in the transfer of dry bulk materials including sand, gravel, fertilizers, lime.